14th February 2023 – Mrs Bridge and/or Mr Bridge by Evan S Connell

Two companion short novels each telling their side of the story about a marriage. Published as Penguin Modern Classics, we are inviting you to read one of the books, or both. These are thought-provoking and poignant novels that offer a compelling look at the lives of an ordinary couple living in an extraordinary time.

Mrs. Bridge (Connell’s debut novel in 1959) and Mr. Bridge (1969) are bittersweet, gently satirical portraits of a conventional, unimaginative upper middle-class couple living in Kansas City from the 1920s to the 1940s.

Mr. Bridge is a successful lawyer who is highly respected in his community, while Mrs. Bridge is a devoted wife and mother who is deeply committed to her family and her role as a homemaker.

One of the main themes of the novels is the contrast between the surface appearances of the Bridges’ lives and the deeper emotions and conflicts that lie beneath. Despite their privileged lifestyle and the respect that they receive from those around them, both Mr. and Mrs. Bridge are unhappy and unfulfilled in their personal lives. Mr. Bridge is distant and reserved, while Mrs. Bridge is constantly struggling to find meaning and purpose in her life.

One of the key differences between the two novels is the way that they are narrated. “Mr. Bridge” is told from Mr. Bridge’s perspective, while “Mrs. Bridge” is told from Mrs. Bridge’s perspective. This allows the reader to get a more nuanced and complex understanding of the couple’s relationship, as well as their individual experiences and feelings.

Connell was nominated for the Man International Booker prize in 2009 in recognition of his lifetime’s work.

Buy Mrs Bridge now!

Buy Mr Bridge now!






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